There was a great re-connection that took place in Salt Lake City, Utah. Former Harlem Globetrotter and Young3 Executive, Charles “Choo” Smith was able to reconnect with NBA legend and current BIG3 star, Donte Greene at the Salt Lake City Young3 Event.

For many years, in the city of Baltimore, Choo has been passing along nuggets of information to his community, and it just so happens that Donte Greene has been one of many people to receive and apply Choo’s information to his life. Donte will testify that the information has helped him in his personal life as well as professional basketball career . Now, things are coming full circle where his son, Donte Greene Jr., is participating in the Young3 events, where Donte made it a purpose to attend while being an active player for the Killer 3 team of the BIG3. In addition, he wanted to lend his likeness to add value to the Young3 initiative and allow his son the opportunity to get some lessons from Choo and the awesome Young3 staff, just as he did while he was maturing in his adolescent years!