Nancy Lieberman, Head Coach of the defending champions Power, donated yet another Dream Court. This one provided to the community of Oklahoma City, OK.
The Young3 team headed to OKC to run a clinic for members of the youth at the newly refurbished court. We were proud to host 45 plus kids at Week 5’s camp at Santa Fe South Elementary School in OKC! These kids were able to receive coaching from some of the best in the business. Jerome Williams, Charles “Choo” Smith, Eric “Broadway” Jones, and Josh Williams instructed them with shooting tips, how to improve your dribble moves, defensive help, rebounding positioning, and some other useful tips. Jerome exclaimed, “100 degree heat didn’t stop the party!” Johnnie Williams was out there helping make sure everything ran smoothly, teaching the kids important lessons, and making sure all parents were pleased with how the camp was run.

We also had Lamar Lundy at the camp shooting footage of the clinic. He’ll be making a video with those clips and we’ll be positing his pictures on our social media pages soon so look out for that.
We hope that the community of Oklahoma City appreciates this court and takes care of it. Thank you Nancy Lieberman for this generous donation, you are indeed a true hero to the youth of today!